Author Archives: belen

Mental Health in Kent

Mental Health in Kent Working together to support people to live well in Kent. Activmob has been involved in working with and supporting the Mental Health Community for a number of years. We have undertaken a variety of projects across … Continue reading

Kent Carers

Kent Carers   KCC and the NHS are seeking the views and experiences of Carers across Kent to inform the recommissioning of support services available. Activmob is undertaking a project to gather the voices of Carers in Kent. This will … Continue reading

Smokefree Cars

Smokefree Cars Gathering insight on people awareness and understanding of the topic one year on from passing legislation banning smoking in cars with minors. Working alongside the Department of Health and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, we spoke to people … Continue reading

Proxy Purchasing

Proxy Purchasing   Gathering the current understanding, opinion and experience towards Proxy Purchasing of Tobacco We are working with Trading Standards to gathering insight around current understanding of proxy purchasing of tobacco on location in Blackpool and Knowsley.  

Health Visiting in Kent

Kent Health Visitors Review of the Health Visitor Service in Kent Kent County Council have begun a review into the Health Visiting service. We have been speaking to parents across Kent about their experiences of the Health Visiting Service. Conversations … Continue reading

Nutrition in Pregnancy

Nutrition in Pregnancy   Talking to Young mothers about nutrition in Pregnancy Following a successful exploratory investigation including About Teenage Eating (ATE) and preparatory work with Sheffield Hallam university,  Tommys children’s charity are looking to design and deliver an antenatal … Continue reading

Young People in Barking

Young People in Barking Talking to young people in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and producing a multimedia piece on life in the borough. We engaged with a  variety of young people living across the borough of Barking … Continue reading

Baby Be Smokefree

Infant Feeding in Kent

Breast feeding in Kent Working with PSB and KCC Public Health to improve information and support around infant feeding across Kent Working with PS Breastfeeding, we are creating a user panel of parents and workers to discuss and influence Breastfeeding … Continue reading

Kent Sheds

Kent Sheds Working with local communities to develop Mens Sheds across the county We have been working with KCC Public Health, Libor Groundworks South to develop the Kent Sheds concept. This is closely linked with the Men in Sheds national … Continue reading